1997 Diploma Graduation

1997 Diploma Graduation | Rizal Farok

throwback to 1997 when i was a fresh army recruit, and attended my graduation (Diploma in Software Technology from Temasek Polytechnic) in my uniform, cos i couldn't be bothered switching back to civvies.

even though i made it, i must admit i never really did put in maximum effort into my studies back then. i was lucky i guess, having been programming since i was 12. but my Poly years was all about music, fashion and comics for me. and i felt i was "destined" to be a slacker forever .. but the army changed all that, and gave me focus.

my time in Temasek Poly though, ultimately did give me a good foundation to see through my Curtin Uni days, and together with my army experience .. helped me be where and who i am these days.

anyways .. i miss these Food Science girls. i really wonder how they all are these days.

#throwback #greeniepunk