work the kitchen

my first love is always people .. sharing my wild stories && experiences, and dishing out advice to the next generation. but i also enjoy being busy in the kitchen area, when running events.

i find it therapeutic, and very refreshing (after sitting and coding away for 20+ years) .. to be using my whole body for "labour" like clearing the dishes, sorting the food, and setting up a stage and tables and chairs.

but more importantly, being busy in the kitchen area somehow attracts the more organic, genuine, and down to earth chats (versus me going around the floor trying to strike up a conversation). maybe cos everything has been "laid out bare" .. this is who i am and what i do. and if we have a chat or conversation, it's no "forced bullshit".

so yeah. this is something i really enjoy doing since the Co.Lab days .. being busy with such work while running events, where it's got me plenty of "real" connections.

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